

Farrier's digital hoof knife

Everything for your business in one place!
With just a few clicks you can simplify your working life and streamline your business.

Blacksmith also allows you to make quick and easy invoices and records for each horse you shoe.

Listen to what our customers say about Blacksmith

Blacksmith gives you super control over sales.

Through statistics, forecasts and smooth order management, you know what to expect in your wallet. In addition, all order history is calendar-based and directly linked to the invoice and journal.

All our services are compatible with all Swedish accounting programs and fully integrated with Fortnox.

Get started with Blacksmith with no commitment period for EUR/GBP/USD 59/month.

Discover how to use Blacksmith

Our promise is to be the farrier's best friend. That's why Blacksmith is equipped to handle all your administration - from the moment you receive an order until it's time to close the books.

You'll find us in the clouds

Blacksmith is a fully cloud-based service that requires no installation. You can use the service from any device, anytime, anywhere. Plus, we back up all your important data every day. Compatible with both Android and IOS.

Blacksmith is available in the following languages

Danish, English, Finnish, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, German

Very smooth and simple service. The support is great. If a customer has entered the wrong email address, the support is always quick to send an email that the invoice has not reached the customer. Highly recommend this service!

W.Gauffins Hovslageri AB

Blacksmith provides a good overview of my work. I can easily keep track of sales, statistics and forecasts, which I find incredibly motivating.

Farrier Magnus Smederöd

My workdays used to be two or three hours longer because of billing, and now it only takes a few minutes.

Farrier Emil Johansson

The best thing is that I can book my clients into the service. They receive a mail with information about when I am coming. Thanks to this feature, I never have to go to the stables again when the customer is not there.

Farrier Christian Mogerud

Before joining Blackmith, I was overwhelmed with paperwork, forgetting to invoice some horse owners and sometimes not being able to read my own notes. I also use the function and take pictures of a shoe when I make major changes, then I have a picture from the beginning until the shoe is where the vet and I want it to be, an extra stamp of quality to show my work.

Farrier Christie Goddard

I started using Blacksmith to keep a journal, and it has really helped me.

Farrier Alexander Nilsson


The annual fee includes free mail, unlimited support.

VAT is added to the prices.




EUR/GBP/USD359half year

Full year

EUR/GBP/USD718full year


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The farrier's secret to increased productivity!